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faviconhomepageMusicBrainz.orgOnline Tool report
descriptionMusicBrainz is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata and makes it available to the public. ID OutUplike
keywordsmusic encyclopedia music database music metadata music info 4463250favorite

faviconhomepageJfxr.FrozenFractal.comOnline Tool report
descriptionJfxr is a browser-based tool to generate sound effects, for example for use in games. It was inspired by bfxr, but aims to be more powerful and more intuitive to use. ID OutUplike
keywordssound effect SFX generator game SFX 8-bit sound retro SFX 445890favorite

faviconhomepageFenomas.GitHub.io | wafxrOnline Tool report
descriptionwafxr is a sound effect generator in the tradition of as3fxr, bfxr, jfxr, and others. But where such tools normally generate static files, this one plays sounds dynamically via Web Audio. ID OutUplike
keywordssound effect SFX generator game SFX 8-bit sound retro SFX 445770favorite

faviconhomepageNetron.appOnline Tool report
descriptionNetron is a viewer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models. ID OutUplike
keywordsneural network deep learning machine learning model viewer 4456100favorite

faviconhomepageEzGIF.comOnline Tool report
descriptionEasy to use online animated GIF maker and image editor. Upload and edit GIF images for free. Create, crop, resize, reverse, optimize and split animated GIFs, cut and resize videos, WebP and APNG animations. ID OutUplike
keywordsanimated GIF GIF editor GIF maker image editor 445470favorite

faviconhomepageIsMyMicrowaveLeaking.Isotropic.usOnline Tool report
descriptionIs my microwave leaking? Test microwave for radiation leakage. ID OutUplike
keywordsmicrowave leaking microwave test radiation leakage 4452110favorite

faviconhomepageEarth.NullSchool.netOnline Tool report
descriptionSee current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map. Updated every three hours. ID OutUplike
keywordsglobal weather weather condition weather map weather cast 4446220favorite