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faviconhomepageIGDB.comPure Gamer report
descriptionThis is IGDB.com, a gaming website for everyone that loves game. And if you love games as well, we are the gaming website for you. ID OutUplike
keywordsgame news game ranking game review game database game wiki 4346120favorite

faviconhomepageHardcoreGaming101.netPure Gamer report
descriptionHardcore Gaming 101 – Promoting the culture of hardcore video games. In its formative years, it focused especially on games from Japan. Now it has become known for its in-depth coverage of classic games and the history behind them. ID OutUplike
keywordsgame review game news hardcore game difficult game 4262120favorite

faviconhomepageFreeGamer.BlogSpot.comPure Gamer report
descriptionFree Gamer is a news site and community dedicated to Free/Libre gaming and development. ID OutUplike
keywordsfree game game news indie game small game open-source game 4155150favorite

faviconhomepageCastlevaniaDungeon.net | DungeonPure Gamer report
descriptionWelcome to the Castlevania Dungeon. Everything that's Castlevania, and More, now at Bargain Bin Prices! ID OutUplike
keywordsCastlevania Castlevania wiki video game game news game resource 410040favorite

faviconhomepageTheGamer.comPure Gamer report
descriptionTheGamer is a gaming news site on the rise. We publish video game news with personality, and hunt for angles that other websites miss. We cater our content to casuals and veterans alike, and make sure gamers of all stripes can understand what's going on i ID OutUplike
keywordsPC game video game game news game review 409140favorite

faviconhomepageRockPaperShotgun.comIT Express report
descriptionRock, Paper, Shotgun - Latest PC game news, previews, reviews, interviews, and opinions. ID OutUplike
keywordsPC game game news game review game blog game interview 366630favorite

faviconhomepageMegaGames.comPure Gamer report
descriptionMegaGames - founded in 1998, is a comprehensive hardcore gaming resource covering Game Trainers, Mods, News, Fixes, Videos, Patches, Editorials, Freegames, Demos, Emulators, Indie, for PC, Xbox One, PS4, Wii U, Mobile Games, iOS, Android, and more. ID OutUplike
keywordsfree game game download game emulator game news game trainer 704240favorite