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faviconhomepageSMSPower.orgPure Gamer report
descriptionActive since 1997, we are an international force of enthusiasts interested in the Sega gaming/computer systems, and their regional variants. We gather, publish and long-time preserve historical facts, data and knowledge related to those systems, and discuss and develop Sega 8-bit interest and enjoyment around the world. ID OutUplike
keywordsSega game video game game resource 8-bit game 416950favorite

faviconhomepageCastlevaniaDungeon.net | DungeonPure Gamer report
descriptionWelcome to the Castlevania Dungeon. Everything that's Castlevania, and More, now at Bargain Bin Prices! ID OutUplike
keywordsCastlevania Castlevania wiki video game game news game resource 410040favorite

faviconhomepageGameBanana.comDownloads report
descriptionSkin Mods, Maps, Tutorials, Sprays, GUI Mods, Map Prefabs, Works In Progress, Sound Mods, Effect Mods and more for video games. ID OutUplike
keywordsgame modding game mod mod download game resource 4013100favorite

faviconhomepagePCEngine.co.ukPure Gamer report
descriptionIn tribute to a classic gaming console of the past, The PC Engine Software Bible contains an almost complete games listing, ratings, reviews, videos, music, version comparisons, wallpapers, sprite sheets and lots of retro goodness. ID OutUplike
keywordsPC Engine game info game list game review game resource game database 387020favorite

faviconhomepageDonjon.Bin.shOnline Tool report
descriptionHere, you can online generate almost everything you need for your game development. It can be random names, world map, dungeon, town or city map, magic shop, power attack calculator, spell sheet, magic items, monster list, star system, treasure, weather, ID OutUplike
keywordsrandom generator game development game resource game data 3606182favorite

faviconhomepageTextures-Resource.comDownloads report
descriptionThe #1 resource site for video game textures on the Internet! ID OutUplike
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