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faviconhomepageASoftMurmur.comOnline Tool report
descriptionA Soft Murmur is an online background noise generator designed to help you relax, focus, and tune out unpleasant sounds from your environment. ID OutUplike
keywordssoft murmur white noise nature sound background noise environment noise 4440180favorite

faviconhomepageEarth.fmWorld & Life report
descriptionEarth.fm is non-profit, free repository of pure, immersive natural soundscapes and a fundraising platform for local, grassroots charities that support the restoration of our natural world. ID OutUplike
keywordsnature sound natural ecosystem earth sound 4431150favorite

faviconhomepageCalm.comWorld & Life report
descriptionRelax with Calm, a simple mindfulness meditation app that brings clarity and peace of mind into your life. ID OutUplike
keywordsBGM relax soundscape white noise nature sound 3514294favorite