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faviconhomepageJfxr.FrozenFractal.comOnline Tool report
descriptionJfxr is a browser-based tool to generate sound effects, for example for use in games. It was inspired by bfxr, but aims to be more powerful and more intuitive to use. ID OutUplike
keywordssound effect SFX generator game SFX 8-bit sound retro SFX 445890favorite

faviconhomepageFenomas.GitHub.io | wafxrOnline Tool report
descriptionwafxr is a sound effect generator in the tradition of as3fxr, bfxr, jfxr, and others. But where such tools normally generate static files, this one plays sounds dynamically via Web Audio. ID OutUplike
keywordssound effect SFX generator game SFX 8-bit sound retro SFX 445770favorite

faviconhomepageFreeSFX.co.ukDownloads report
descriptionWe think of sound effects as falling into 4 main categories: isolated sounds, specialty effects, foley sounds and background sounds. Freesfx provides all of these sounds to you for your use in productions, games, live performances and more, for free. ID OutUplike
keywordssound effect free SFX music sample royalty free free sound 445160favorite

faviconhomepageVoicy.networkDownloads report
descriptionFind, discover and upload your favorite meme soundboard & voice clip & sound effect with Voicy Network. Share your Voicy easily with all your Friends! ID OutUplike
keywordssound effect voice clip sound board human voice free voice 429470favorite

faviconhomepageSoundBoard.comDownloads report
description617,545 sound clips and sound effects on categorized soundboards from radio to TV to games, travel, science, animals, sound effects and sports. Listen, download and embed music. Free mp3 download or build your own audio soundboard using our innovative tools. ID OutUplike
keywordssound clip sound effect audio clip sound track free sound 4293110favorite

faviconhomepageYouTube.com | Audio LibraryDownloads report
descriptionListen to and download free music and sound effects. You’re free to use this audio track in any of your videos, including videos that you monetize. No attribution is required. ID OutUplike
keywordsfree music video BGM video music free audio sound effect free SFX 427780favorite

faviconhomepageSound-Effects.BBCRewind.co.ukDownloads report
descriptionThe BBC Sound Effects Archive is available for personal, educational or research purposes. There are over 33,000 clips from across the world from the past 100 years. ID OutUplike
keywordsBBC sound effect free sound sound database sound archive 4160393favorite