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faviconhomepageVGBoxArt.comPure Gamer report
descriptionWelcome to the premier community for custom made video game, music and movie box art. Browse from more than 32,000 box covers that our designers have created. ID OutUplike
keywordsvideo game box art game cover game post full size 433990favorite

faviconhomepageADB.ArcadeItalia.netPure Gamer report
descriptionThis site aims to collect information on games and emulators, with special attention to the MAME. Using the search pages you can view a quick snapshot of your games (images, videos, manuals) and know all the information. ID OutUplike
keywordsarcade game video game game database MAME database game snapshot game info 431060favorite

faviconhomepageEmulator-Zone.comDownloads report
descriptionThe Emulator Zone is your source for the latest emulators for classic video game consoles and home computers. ID OutUplike
keywordsvideo game game console game emulator game save 4261150favorite

faviconhomepageCoolROM.com.auDownloads report
descriptionDownload from the largest and cleanest ROMs and emulators resource on the net. Systems include Genesis, Dreamcast, MAME, PSX, PS2, PSP and more. ID OutUplike
keywordsretro game video game game rom rom download console game 4222120favorite

faviconhomepageArcadeQuarterMaster.comPure Gamer report
descriptionCompendium of all classical arcade games, from character profiles, enemy bestiaries, items, bosses, move lists and strategy guides! ID OutUplike
keywordsvideo game arcade game character profile strategy guide game info 4215110favorite

faviconhomepageSpeedRun.comPure Gamer report
descriptionSpeedrun is the act of playing a video game with the intent of completing it as fast as possible, for the purposes of entertainment and / or competition. SpeedRun.com is a site that provides leaderboards, resources, forums and more, for speedrun. ID OutUplike
keywordsvideo game game speedrun speed run play-through speedrun leaderboard 4214140favorite

faviconhomepageVimm.netDownloads report
descriptionThis site is dedicated to nostalgia for many of the greatest game consoles ever made. Inside you'll find thousands of games, full-color manual scans, user ratings and reviews, and much more! ID OutUplike
keywordsvideo game game rom classic game old game console game 4195120favorite