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faviconhomepageOpen-Meteo.comWebmaster Aid report
descriptionOpen-Meteo is an open-source weather API and offers free access for non-commercial use. No API key is required. You can use it immediately! ID OutUplike
keywordsopen-source weather API weather data weather report weather forecast 4399140favorite

faviconhomepageWeather-Forecast.comWorld & Life report
descriptionAccurate weather forecast for thousands of places Worldwide. Interactive weather maps for every country on the planet. ID OutUplike
keywordsweather forecast weather report weather map temperature map 4014140favorite

faviconhomepageWeather.orgWorld & Life report
descriptionIt is the goal of Weather.org to promote public safety and save lives using reliable weather forecasts, weather maps, and storm tracking. ID OutUplike
keywordsworld weather weather forecast weather report live weather weather history 386920favorite

faviconhomepageWttr.inOnline Tool report
descriptionASCII version of the local weather report in Linux terminal style. You can visit a specific city by appending the city name to the URL, like this: http://wttr.in/london ID OutUplike
keywordsweather city weather forecast weather report ASCII local weather 347841favorite