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faviconhomepagePixelDrain.comFree Space report
descriptionPixeldrain is a free file sharing service, you can upload any file and you will be given a shareable link right away. It also supports previews for images, videos, audio, PDFs and much more. ID OutUplike
keywordsfile sharing file hosting file transfer file upload large file file storage 4472140favorite

faviconhomepageToffeeShare.comFree Space report
descriptionSend your files privately and fast. No registration. Peer to peer. End to end encrypted. No file size limit. Simply the best way to share files! ID OutUplike
keywordsshare file transfer file send file file sharing no limit 4442260favorite

faviconhomepageTeraBox.comFree Space report
descriptionTeraBox offers 1 tb free cloud storage & online file transfer. Login or Download TeraBox app to get 1 tb storage and use it on your PC, Mac, iPhone & Android. ID OutUplike
keywordscloud storage cloud space share file file transfer cloud drive send file 4359160favorite

faviconhomepageSoftEnjoy.comFree Space report
descriptionSoftEnjoy is the best Free Unlimited Software Sharing service for Windows or Linux Developers, you can share your Programs on your Website, App landing page, Forums, Social Networks or send to Testers, friends and colleagues. ID OutUplike
keywordssoftware hosting free hosting upload software download mirror 4344180favorite

faviconhomepageFileTransfer.ioFree Space report
descriptionFree transfer of up to 6 GB of photos, videos and documents. Send large files via email or a link to share. No registration, no ads, just simple file sharing! ID OutUplike
keywordsfile transfer send file large file big file file upload share file 4147170favorite

faviconhomepageFileSend.StandardNotes.orgFree Space report
descriptionFileSend is a free, secure file sharing service that encrypts files with client-side AES-256 encryption and does not log IP addresses. Files are permanently deleted from our servers on download or after specified duration. ID OutUplike
keywordsfile sharing upload file file hosting temporary hosting 4143100favorite

faviconhomepageFileMail.comFree Space report
descriptionSend large files free via email and links. Paid accounts share files of any size. Fast secure online file transfer using our file sharing site & apps. ID OutUplike
keywordssend file transfer file large file big file share file 4142110favorite