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faviconhomepageCodeCombat.comLearn & Gain report
descriptionLearn programming with a multiplayer live coding strategy game for beginners. Learn Python or JavaScript as you defeat ogres, solve mazes, and level up. Open source HTML5 game! ID OutUplike
keywordsprogramming beginner Python JavaScript HTML5 3518122favorite

faviconhomepageSitePoint.com | CommunityWebmaster Aid report
descriptionThe SitePoint Official Forums - The web's best web development discussion. ID OutUplike
keywordsweb develop web design HTML CSS PHP JavaScript discussion 3453284favorite

faviconhomepageRefresh-SF.comWebmaster Aid report
descriptionThis is a web interface to minify your JavaScript, CSS and HTML. This tool uses UglifyJS 2, Clean-CSS and HTML Minifier. ID OutUplike
keywordsJavaScript CSS compressor minifier optimizer 3448121favorite

faviconhomepageLisperator.net | UglifyJSWebmaster Aid report
descriptionUglifyJS is a JavaScript compressor/minifier written in JavaScript. It also contains tools that allow one to automate working with JavaScript code. ID OutUplike
keywordsJavaScript compressor optimizer parser minifier 344781favorite

faviconhomepageClosure-Compiler.AppSpot.comWebmaster Aid report
descriptionCompressing JavaScript files online with the Closure Compiler Service API. ID OutUplike
keywordsJavaScript compressor optimizer js unformat minify 344631favorite

faviconhomepageClosureOptimizer.comWebmaster Aid report
descriptionCompress your JavaScript file online using the Google Closure Compiler. ID OutUplike
keywordsJavaScript optimizer compressor minify js 344531favorite

faviconhomepageModernizr.comWebmaster Aid report
descriptionModernizr tells you what HTML, CSS and JavaScript features the user’s browser has to offer. ID OutUplike
keywordsHTML5 CSS3 detect browser JavaScript library 338361favorite