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faviconhomepageOnlineWebCheck.comWebmaster Aid report
descriptionFree online HTML/XHTML validator, CSS validator, robots.txt validator, JSON validator, and cache manifest file validator. ID OutUplike
keywordsHTML XHTML CSS JSON robot validator checker 3451367favorite

faviconhomepageHTML5.Validator.nuWebmaster Aid report
descriptionHere is one currently known online HTML5 markup validator. ID OutUplike
keywordsHTML5 validator markup checker 3450154favorite

faviconhomepageFreeFormatter.comOnline Tool report
descriptionOnline tools for developers, including formatters (JSON, XML, HTML, SQL, etc.), minifiers (JavaScript, CSS), validators, compactors and many more! ID OutUplike
keywordsformatter developer minifier optimizer validator compactor 3449223favorite

faviconhomepageSEOValidator.NetWebmaster Aid report
descriptionSEO Analysis Tool & Tips from Experts ID OutUplike
keywordsseo validator tips analysis website optimization 263700favorite

faviconhomepageHtml-Kit.com | ValidatorWebmaster Aid report
descriptionCheck if your web page has a favicon ID OutUplike
keywordsfavicon validator check 18661070favorite

faviconhomepageValidator.W3.org | UnicornWebmaster Aid report
descriptionW3C's Unified Validator ID OutUplike
keywordsw3c unified validator 1764200favorite

faviconhomepageJigSaw.W3.org | CSS-ValidatorWebmaster Aid report
descriptionCheck Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and (X)HTML documents with style sheets. ID OutUplike
keywordsCSS validator W3C checker 971170favorite