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faviconhomepageFullpageScreenCapture.comOnline Tool report
descriptionGenerate a web page full-length screenshot for free online. ID OutUplike
keywordsURL screenshot website screenshot webpage screenshot 4474180favorite

faviconhomepageGallery.ProfiCAD.eu | AutoCAD ViewerOnline Tool report
descriptionFree online AutoCAD file (DXF and DWG) viewer. ID OutUplike
keywordsAutoCAD viewer CAD file DXF file DWG file AutoCAD file 4473140favorite

faviconhomepagePixelDrain.comFree Space report
descriptionPixeldrain is a free file sharing service, you can upload any file and you will be given a shareable link right away. It also supports previews for images, videos, audio, PDFs and much more. ID OutUplike
keywordsfile sharing file hosting file transfer file upload large file file storage 4472140favorite

faviconhomepageFree-For.devLearn & Gain report
descriptionThis is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for developers. The scope of this particular list is limited to things that infrastructure developers (System Administrator, DevOps Practitioners, etc.) are likely to find useful. ID OutUplike
keywordsdeveloper resource resource list resource collection 4471160favorite

faviconhomepageLingva.mlOnline Tool report
descriptionAlternative front-end for Google Translate, serving as a Free and Open Source translator with over a hundred languages available ID OutUplike
keywordsAI translation language translation text translation 4470171favorite

faviconhomepageLibreTranslate.comWebmaster Aid report
descriptionFree and Open Source Machine Translation API. Self-hosted, offline capable and easy to setup. Run your own API server in just a few minutes. ID OutUplike
keywordsmachine translation AI translation language translation text translation file translation 4469170favorite

faviconhomepageAirfoilTools.comOnline Tool report
descriptionAirfoil (aerofoil) tools and applications. Search for airfoil coordinates and dat files. Plot and compare airfoil shapes. ID OutUplike
keywordsairfoil plotter airfoil search airfoil comparison airfoil generator 4468130favorite