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faviconhomepageTake-A-Screenshot.orgLearn & Gain report
descriptionThis website help you find and take a screenshot on all platforms, including Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and more. ID OutUplike
keywordshow to screenshot take screenshot capture screen PrtScn print screen 364030favorite

faviconhomepageSnag.gyFree Space report
descriptionSnaggy is an image hosting service that lets you paste images from your clipboard directly online. This is the easiest way to share a snapshot of your screen. ID OutUplike
keywordsscreenshot image host snapshot print screen screen capture 3557211favorite

faviconhomepageScreenshotComparison.comOnline Tool report
descriptionFree online tool to make comparison of screenshots. ID OutUplike
keywordsscreenshot comparison comparer 346571favorite

faviconhomepageGrabz.itOnline Tool report
descriptionA reliable free service that includes an API and online tool to screenshot websites, as well as a Web Scraper to scrape data directly from the web. ID OutUplike
keywordsscreenshot website thumbnail URL API grabber 3196131favorite

faviconhomepagePage2Images.comWebmaster Aid report
descriptionPage2Images provide tool and API to generate website screenshot or thumbnail online, preview webpage, snapshot website. ID OutUplike
keywordsscreenshot snapshot capture web page API thumbnail 319182favorite

faviconhomepageSite2Pic.comWebmaster Aid report
descriptionTake Screenshots of Web Sites and Share Them Easily. ID OutUplike
keywordsscreenshot web page thumbnail capture snapshot 319091favorite

faviconhomepageScreenshotMachine.comWebmaster Aid report
descriptionScreenshot machine is a web page capturing service. Creates a screenshot or thumbnail of any web page in couple of seconds for free. ID OutUplike
keywordsscreenshot thumbshot thumbnail URL web page capture 3189152favorite